Top 5 Guest friendly Hotels in Lucknow
Top 5 Guest friendly Hotels in Lucknow
Planning to visit Lucknow anytime soon? Ticket booking has become easier with online bookings and Paytm. However, there is a big dilemma with the hotel bookings because not every property welcomes unmarried couples with a smile. We are talking about guest-friendly/couple-friendly hotels which embrace unmarried couples without giving a suspicious look. Guest-friendly could also mean whether a hotel allows your guests to come to your room or not. Most hotels have a policy of NOT letting outsiders stay in your room. They have a reception area or restaurant for you to catch up with your guests.
It could be your family member, an ex lover or even your girlfriend/boyfriend. You have probably paid for one occupant and are wondering whether the hotel will charge you an extra fee or not. How about choosing a couple-friendly/guest friendly hotel?
We have listed some of the options for you. These are the Top 5 Guest Friendly hotels in Lucknow. They are not only guest-friendly but are offering lots of 5 star amenities. Take a look!
The Top 5 List of Guest Friendly Hotels
1. Vivanta by Taj, Gomti Nagar
Vivanta by Taj is an excellent property which offers comfortable rooms and a lovely swimming pool. The guests are allowed in your room till 9 PM. You can carry forward the meeting in the lobby or the restaurant post that. The staff does not raise any objection as such! A guest is allowed in the room! Do make sure that they have a valid ID proof. Additionally, it is a couple-friendly property.
2. Radission, Lucknow City Center
This is another property which does not raise any objection for guests in your room. Also, the property is couple-friendly and you just need valid ID proof of the guests. You can check in alone and then have guests over in your room. You do not have to register the guest at the reception because that does invoke a lot of queries is the staff’s mind.
3. Hotel Gemini Continental near Parivartan Chowk
Head to Hotel Gemini Continental near Parivartan Chowk for a comfortable and hassle-free experience. The hotel is couple-friendly and no questions are raised in case you have guests over. The rooms are spacious and can easily accommodate three adults.
4. OYO 8472 Gomti Nagar
Oyo Rooms are known for being couple-friendly and guest-friendly. They do not ask needless questions. The whole idea is to provide a friendly and hassle-free experience for the couples or anyone who have guests over. The rooms are clean, spacious and has the basic amenities that everyone needs.
5. The Piccadily, Kanpur Road
This is another property which offers 5-star amenities. The staff is courteous and helpful. The rooms are beautiful in every sense! They can accommodate up to 3 adults and have different category of rooms. You can choose the best as per your need! The hotel has a pool and you can enjoy your time in a bathtub.
Final Verdict
Most of the hotels listed-above are of a good brand and you will not face any issues with the booking or unnecessary queries. Always opt for a safer hotel which provides hassle-free check in and is couple-friendly. The hotels that we have listed are couple-friendly and guest-friendly. You will not have an issue in case you have guests over in your room. Enjoy your time, my friend!